Saturday, March 26, 2016

The unthinkable has happened:

 My child is now an adult. She will soon leave us, never to return as a child. Our job as the guiding force in her life has ended. I don't know if her dreams as a graphic/animation artist will come to fruition. I do, however, believe she must feel certain of her worthiness. The world needs more whom deny social convention, safe jobs, and counting beans. We are filling our bank accounts, but not our souls.  I am struggling with VW's upcoming departure. I want to love her back into a tiny, pink sheepskin & satin blanket....smell her soft, baby powder fresh skin...trace her silky blonde hairline with my nose.....hug chunky rolls of flesh that jiggle with each her sleepy blue eyes fade off into a beautiful dream. How did this helpless cooing babe, seemingly in a few short years, become an amazing woman? All that I am lives inside her. Every hard day has made this day possible. I am forever grateful to Chris (VW's father) and the universe for trusting me to be her mother. I know she will do great things, even if they are small, and no one ever knows about them. I raised her to care about all of you. I hope that was enough........